

KENRICK SOUND Model 4343 with Splendid External Passive Crossovers 豪勢な純銀単線配線・外部ネットワーク型オールアルニコモデル完成

豪勢な純銀単線配線・外部ネットワーク型オールアルニコモデルのKENRICK SOUND Model 4343が完成しました。

ミッドバス音質比較 JBL純正とケンリック仕様 Sound Comparison JBL 2202A (Hard double) VS. KENRICK 2202A (Soft Single)

JBL 2202Aという、直径30cm(12インチ)のミッドバスユニットに関して、JBL純正品と当社にてリコーンし、柔らかい一山のクロス素材エッジに変更して、反転着磁(センターN極)とした仕様の音質比較動画です。この比較からわかるように、明瞭さ、空気感、音色、全てにおいて差が生じます。音響特性結果も無視はできませんが、当社は音質を最優先してチューニングやパーツ製作を行っています。


JBL C46 MINIGON ミニゴン ケンリックサウンドの音質改善結果 ウルトラスエードエッジ+反転着磁チューニング KENRICK Inverted Magnetized LE10 + LE30

反転着磁(センターN極)作業と当社オリジナルのウルトラスエードエッジにて張り替えを行ったウーファーJBL LE10と、同じく反転着磁およびギャップ清掃ならびに再芯出しを行ったツイーターJBL LE30を組み込んだ、チューニング済みミニゴンの音です。






Doesn't inverted magnetization simply switch the polarity? This question is answered in the following section. The amplitude motion of the speaker cone and voice coil is not equal front to back. There are two types of motion, one caused by the voice coil and the other by the magnet.

First, the voice coil. The winding wire to the bobbin goes from the beginning of the winding to the final turn, then crosses the coil itself and returns in a straight line to the end of the winding. The different conditions of the magnet wire at the beginning and end of the windings change which side of the amplifier's hot wire is applied to produce a more effective magnetic field in the voice coil. It is fundamentally better to apply the hot to the end of the winding, that is, the side that goes straight across from the lead to the coil itself.

The same logic applies to network filter inductors, capacitors, and resistors, which have the same winding structure, and which lead the amplifier's hot is applied to determines whether the sound is good or bad. Even film capacitors and ceramic capacitors, which are considered non-polarized and not polarized like electrolytic capacitors, always have a superior direction in terms of sound quality. When we manufacture a network, all elements are checked in both positive and negative directions before assembly.

Next, there are causes related to magnets. The magnetic field of a magnet has a fixed direction, and the magnetic force flows from the North-pole to the South-pole. The magnet structure of JBL speakers before the 1990s is basically a center South-pole, which means that the magnetic force flows toward the back of the magnet when viewed from the front of the cone. The magnetic force flows from the center South-pole toward the back of the magnet as seen from the front of the cone. The timing when the magnetic pole (South) is generated in the voice coil, which opposes this flow and moves the cone (voice coil) out in front, is more efficient than when the magnetic pole (North) is generated in the voice coil, which takes advantage of this flow and moves the cone (voice coil) in back, as it generates more amplitude energy. The two factors are mutually superior in this respect.

In the LE10 and LE30, this is achieved by inverting the magnetization and shifting the center pole to the North pole. However, depending on the type of voice coil used, the winding end and beginning may be inversely related, or other factors such as whether a copper or aluminum voice coil is used, or whether an aluminum bobbin that generates eddy currents is used, make the solution less simple. There are some combinations in which the center South-pole is benign. These are all measures that we have established through our comparative experiments.