Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some of our work today.
This is a photo of JBL 2235H that is getting its surrounds changed to Ultrasuede material. The voice coil alignment is being adjusted in the photo.
I will post my recent progress on the JBL 4333B crossovers that I am working on now.
These are photos of the original and new attenuators.
I have replaced and wired the rotary switches and the binding posts.
During the frequency testing, a defect has been found in the filter characteristic in one of the channels. This resistor was the problem, as if it seems to be disconnected internally.
左右の特性を合わせるために、両チャンネルともMundorf MResist SUPREMEへ交換しました。パーツによってはこのように壊れていても、音を聴いているうちに慣れてしまって、気が付かないこともあるかもしれませんが、本来のスピーカーの力を発揮するためにはネットワークを含めたオーバーホールをお勧めいたします。
I have changed both channels resistors to Mundorf MResist SUPREME resistors to maintain the sound balance. Depending on which parts are broken, you may not notice it since you have gotten used to the sound, but in order to restore the original potential of the speakers, a full restoration including the crossovers is recommended.