
スピーカーユニットの着磁準備 Preparing the speaker components to be remagnetized

This is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound.

Today in Kenrick Sound, we are preparing for our speakers to get remagnetized.

Speakers that have been used for decades have a possiblity that its magnetic flux density has decreased (epecially Alnico magnets).  By remagnetizing the speakers(the set-up of capacitors, coils, applied voltage, and applied time varies for each speaker component), you will be able to pull out the full potential the speakers possess.

Not only that, by remagnetizing the speaker components, you can adjust the balance of both channels, if there is a difference of density between the two.

Since there are so many speakers to get remagnetized, just the preparation will take a whole day. This is just a portion of the speakers we are doing this time.

こちらの写真は、元々プラスチック製であるスロート部品を、アルミニウム青銅削り出し品へと交換するJBL 375 コンプレッションドライバーの、バラし作業過程です。
These JBL 375 compression drivers are being prepared to have its original plastic throats changed to aluminum bronze material.

着磁準備のためにバラしを終えたJBL 2402ツィーターです。
These are some JBL 2402 tweeters ready to be remagnetized.

In my next blog article, I will write about the remagnetizing process.