Hello this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound.
本日のブログでは近々完成予定のJBL C34 縦型ハークネスの途中作業を紹介します。
Today I will be writing about our soon to be completed JBL C34 vertical Harkness.
こちらはリコーン作業中のJBL 130Aです。
This is a JBL 130A that is being reconed.

It will be aged in a special process, to get its full potential. The speaker magnet has been re-magnetized.
This is a photo of the original crossovers that are to be installed.

LFのハイカットには Mundorf Mcoil CFT を使用。
HFのフィルターに使用するコンデンサーは Mundorf Evo Silver Gold Oil。
For the low frequency filters, we will be using Mundorf Mcoil CFTs.
For the high frequency filters, Mundorf Evo Silver Gold Oil caps.
The next process is to test out which combination of capacitance is best by listening to the sound from different kinds of combinations of capacitance.
The combination and capacity of the caps is a very important process, because even if the capacity is mathematically the same, depending on the combination, the sonic result will vary.

To be continued.