This is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound.
In today's blog I will post some sweets that a customer brought us, and recent crossover works.
This is a photo of some sweet potato snacks that a customer who recently ordered speakers from us brought by. It had an amazing texture, and just the right sweetness. Everybody was giving compliments about it. Thank you very much for your kindness.
こちらの写真はキャビネット内に組み込んだKRS4351 10th Anniversary用のネットワークです。配線の引き回しを綺麗に行うことは見た目だけではなく、音質にも影響しますのでとても気を遣う作業の一つです。
This is a photo of the crossovers for the KRS4351 10th Anniversary assembled in to the cabinet. Wiring them neatly is very important because not only because of the looks, but it also affects the sound so we must be very careful doing it.
これは先日作業が完了したJBL 4311B用ネットワークです。アッテネーターの新品交換、コンデンサーをMundorf EVO SilverGold Oilへとアップグレードしました。
These are recently completed crossovers for the JBL 4311B speakers. I have changed the attenuators and upgraded the capacitors to Mundorf EVO SilverGold Oil caps.
【JBL 4311ネットワークカスタムアップグレード】
・Mundorf Mcap EVO Silver Gold Oil コンデンサー交換
[ JBL 4312 crossovers custom upgrade ]
*Mundorf Mcap EVO Silver Gold Oil capacitors
*New attenuators