こちらは解体を開始したJBL 3145ネットワークです。今回コンデンサーは交換しますが、抵抗やコイルは純正のものを使用しますので、取り外す際にはダメージを与えないように気を付けなくてはいけません。
These are JBL 3145 crossovers that are being disassembled. This time we will be replacing the capacitors, but will be using the original resistors and coils, so you have to be extra careful not to damage them while doing this.
I have finished disassembling the circuit board, so I will now take remove all the parts.
These are the new parts we will be using. Our president Hosoi will check the better sounding polarity of the capacitors and the original parts before placing them on the circuit board.
この写真は本日出荷するJBL 4344MK2です。御覧の通り、専門業者による厳重梱包をしてありますので、安全に輸送することができます。
These are JBL 4344MK2s that will be shipped out today. As you can see, they have been packed safely so they will be delivered safely.