Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound.
In today's blog, I will post our recently completed D130+075 crossovers, and the work I will be doing on the JBL 4311B crossovers.
This is a picture of the finished crossovers for the D130+075 setup.
【D130+075用 ネットワーク使用パーツ】
・Mundorf Mcap EVO SilverGold Oil コンデンサー
・Mundorf MResist Supreme 抵抗
・4N 純銀単線配線
[ Components used for the D130+075 crossovers ]
*Fine met cut core inductors for high frequency filters
*Mundorf Mcap EVO SilverGold Oil capacitors
*Mundorf MResist Supreme resistors
*Transformer type attenuators
*Gold terminals
*4N pure solid silver wires
I will be placing the high frequency filter coil on the rear panel of the speaker cabinet, so what's left to do is to assemble the crossovers into the speakers and test which direction and positioning is the best sounding.
以下の写真は今日から開始しているJBL 4311Bのネットワークカスタムアップグレード作業です。
Below is a photo of the JBL 4311B crossovers that I have started working on today.
行う作業はコンデンサーをMundorf EVO SilverGold Oilコンデンサーへの交換と、アッテネータの新品交換です。
On these, I will be upgrading the capacitors to Mundorf EVO SilverGold Oil capacitors, and changing the attenuators.
I will be testing its frequency characteristics first, then start to change each components.