Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some stuff that's going on recently.
今回はJBL C36 Viscountに搭載予定です。
These are the components for the D130+075 crossovers which appear in this blog numerous times. This time they will be installed in to the JBL C36 Viscount.
This is it's current status. I have finished most of the wiring using 4N pure solid silver, so after I test it's frequency charactersitcs, they will be ready to be completed.
以下の写真はレストアが完了したJBL L26です。測定を終えましたので、後は厳重梱包、発送という流れになります。
Below is a photo of a fully restored JBL L26. All tests have been passed so it is ready to be carefully packed and shipped.
【JBL L26 レストア作業】
・JBL 125A 半永久耐性クロスエッジ交換
・JBL LE25 ウレタンリング交換
[ JBL L26 restoration ]
*Cabinet restoration
*New attenuators
*CMC style gold plated binding posts
*JBL 125A new cloth surrounds
*JBL LE25 urethane ring replacement
この写真はKRS 4351 10th Anniversaryモデル用に作製したジャンパーケーブルです。バナナプラグは無垢の純銀製のものを採用しました。
This is a photo of some jumper cables that I made for the KRS 4351 10th Anniversary model. The banana plug is made of pure solid silver.