こちらは現在作業中のJBL 4333B用ネットワークです。大型金メッキ端子交換、ミリタリースペックセレクタースイッチ交換を行うために背面端子板をバラし、クリーニングおよび加工を終えたところです。
This is the terminal board of the JBL 4333B crossovers that I am working on now. I have disassembled the board in order to change the original binding posts to CMC style gold terminals and the rotary switch to russian military spec rotary switches.
This is our original USB isolator being assembled. There are many subtle elements we have to consider in order to complete this device.
これはJBL LE5-2リコーン作業の1ショットです。スピーカーを分解し、ギャップ清掃を終えたところです。
This was a shot taken during the LE5-2 re-coning process. We have disassembled the speakers and cleaned the magnet gap.
These are JBL 4312Bs being painted. The key to painting things beautifully is to first process the surface that you will be applying the paint to. Each step must be executed with extreme care.