
ケンリックサウンド株式会社 代表取締役 細井研志 プロフィール

ケンリックサウンド株式会社(KENRICK SOUND CO.,LTD.)
代表取締役:細井研志(Kenji Hosoi)

略歴・プロフィール:1978年 東京都生まれ。

テレビ番組出演TOKYO MXバラいろダンディ『スピーカーレストアラーの仕事』










多忙極める日常から解放されるのは、趣味のオーディオに関わっているひととき。中学生の頃、憧れだけで遠巻きに見ていたJBL 4344を、いよいよ3年ローンで手に入れたのが24歳の時分。眺めて磨いて聴いて満足・・・というのもつかの間、傷んだ箱や果たして特性が維持されているものかが気になり始める。そうなればまず研究、そして我流で手入れを施し徐々に本来の姿へと近づける。幼い頃、レゴブロック遊びに機械いじり、電子工作でさんざん鍛え上げられた創意工夫の感覚が唸る。“研究に志す”、“志を研く”ようにと名付けられた「研志」が本領発揮された瞬間であろうか。

27歳の夏、「これで行こう!」と7年間勤めた会社を辞め、趣味を頼りに生業とすることを決定。中野区の自宅10帖ワンルームから始めたJBL修理業務は階下の廃業したカラオケスナック跡を倉庫として流用。当時、部屋改造の極意がメディアでも紹介される。手狭になった半年後に大田区南馬込へと引越し、自宅兼事務所として1年間続ける。取り扱い点数が増え、スペース増設を迫られたため現在の大田区上池台に事務所を分離。それまでヤフーオークションのみで販売していた商品を、新たにオープンさせた自サイトでも取り扱い開始。『JBL43Freak』として始めた屋号は、米国のパートナー、リックと出会い『KENRICK SOUND』に名称変更。

2009年11月、ケンリックサウンド株式会社(KENRICK SOUND CO.,LTD.)設立。上池台の会社事務所は、ショールーム、オフィス、ワークショップ、作業場、スピーカー保管庫、倉庫、の6部屋に拡大。前職を離職して17年、副業時期から数えて始業20年目を迎えた現在に至る。

駒沢〜自由が丘近郊にサロンのオープンを計画中(2010年4月に自由が丘にオープンしました)。また、KENRICK CAFE or BAR(仮称)の、ラウンジバー経営を目標とする。(KENRICK SOUNDのスピーカーシステムを基軸に、日中はスピーカーショールームとして、夜はサウンド・バーとしての機能を有す。)内外装、音響設備ともに、自らの趣向の極みを貫く目論見。

President: Kenji Hosoi
Business contents: The sale, maintenance, restore, reprography
of the JBL43XX large size monitor speakers,
Sale page: http://JBL43.com
Hobby: Four-wheel drive car custom, surfing (during a stop), photograph

On August 11, 1978, Born in Tokyo, Japan. I was almost born with brilliant birth of excellent JBL "4343". Therefore, I usually respect speakers as a senior and care for it carefully. I played eagerly for Lego block play and manufacturing for the childhood. In small junior high school days, I was very good for the drawing and manual art. I did the metropolitan exhibition selection and winning prize in a picture work and molding.

During Tokyo Metropolitan Koganei kita high school days, I hope it for university of a science and mathematics system course, but recklessly convert to art system entrance in spring of the third grade at a high school. I took a class of the science and mathematics system. And same time I did the training such as the faculty of liberal arts study and the sketch at the cramming school for University of Arts, Examination was unacceptable and I could not to enter the university.

My friends studied hard very much and I also decided to study. I left home town and lived in the paper place,I studied for examination distributing a newspaper. Suddenly I canceled the cell-phone that was the communication means with the playmate, cut off the point of contact with the outside world, communication is impossible, the lonely life. I change to decide to the general University.

I was regretting the many friends who lost it one-sidedly, and I dreamed of a gorgeous campus life, was delivering the evening and morning paper by bicycle, and I studied in the carving wood room of the four-and-a half-mat. Two places of this, there ware another delivery place, and it has mini bycicle.

I felt a certain difference and wanted to think to give up delivery daily work advancing only slowly. I was feeling this especially when weather was bad.

In the winter’s some day when a lot of snow feel. "I want to leave". Began at most for half a year. I will fail in thought in middle of will.

After that I returned to my home town,when I worked part time job( but I can not want to do so), still camera man ( my friend) telephoned me.

Don't you have a job in my office if you have a free time? Assistant leaves it now and I am busy.

In 20-year-old summer, I was adopted as a junior in the photographer office. I experienced the assistant and cold do photographer's light job. The photo report charge of the weeklies for the photography and the writing.

After starting a single life several years, I will transfer to medical care-affiliated copying photography and medical personnel specialty website production division that the our company began as the other business I started and did the systems construction, web production, photography only myself. Released time when my very busy daily life is to do the audio system of the hobby.

My 24-year-old time I finally got JBL 4344 by a loan for three years, in the days of a junior high student, I had watched only for admiration. Short time I looked and polished it and listened and was satisfied ..., I was interested in the damaged box and performance is maintained or not. At first I studied and put care by own way and could approach the original slowly.

When I was young, I play with Lego block and machine , the sense of an idea trained by electronic revived. That the moment "研志" named "will be studying,", that the talent was shown. In 27-year-old summer "I will go in this" so I leave the company that worked for seven years i and decide that I live with my hobby.

The JBL repair business that I began with ten quires home of Nakano-ku was the downstairs karaoke snack trace which it was bankrupt its business as a warehouse. In those days, the secret of the room remodeling is introduced in the media. So it became small, a half year later, I moved to Minamimagome, Ota-ku and worked as Small Office/Home Office for one year.

Handling of products mark increase and separate an office in current Kamiikedai, Ota-ku because of the enlargement. Until then, I had sold only at Yahoo Auctions, I started in the mew own site.

I began as "JBL43Freak" changed a name of to "KENRICK SOUND". Because I met American partner, Rick.

Established in November, 2009, KENRICK SOUND Co., Ltd. The company office of Kamiikedai spreads in showroom, workshop, storage of speaker, warehouse. Four years past through when I lost employment and seventh years from side business time.

I am planning the opening of the salon in the suburbs of Komazawa - Jiyugaoka (It started from Apr 2011 at Jiyugaoka). And, I want to manage lounge bar of KENRICK CAFE or BAR (a tentative name). (The key of this is a speaker system of KENRICK SOUND and in the daytime, as a speaker showroom and as the sound bar at night.) I have an own deal plan to do the inner decoration, and the sound facilities too.

We can ship the speakers to overseas. Please feel free to contact. info@kenricksound.com