Hello this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound.
本日のブログでは現在作業中のJBL L77を紹介いたします。
In today's blog, I will post some photos of the JBL L77 we are currently working on.
The crossover schematics have been decided after the tuning session I posted in my last blog post.
This is what the crossovers ended up looking like.
Next, I will start to assemble them into the cabinet. I will be using 4N pure solid silver to wire the crossovers. Focus and concentration is needed to finish the job neatly.
This is a photo of the crossovers in it's place
I have placed the low frequency filter coil on the back of the speakers. It has been placed in the position where it can utilize the magnetic force from the woofer magnet most efficiently.
The crossovers have been assembled in to both cabinets.
Now we will assemble the the speaker drivers again, and proceed with the final sound check.