当店から、JBL 2308 / L91 TYPE ケンリックサウンド 音響レンズ 新品ペアをお買い上げ頂きました、ドイツはベルリンより、Mr. Florianからのお便りです。
Dear Mr. Hosoi,
I've received a pair out of your second batch of these Kenrick 2308 repro lenses, which are currently available again.
So far I have had four pairs of originals in more or less used condition for comparison, have kept two intact pairs. I would consider myself picky, and it's quite possible more JBL speakers in need of undamaged lenses will come by in future. For now I will use them on my 4343's – some pictures are attached for your pleasure.
Anyway, these lenses are as good as it gets now and look brandnew of course. I'd order another pair from you anytime there is need, and be done. Handling and shipping to Europe was professional as well.
Highly recommended. Many thanks from Berlin/Germany.
Mr. Florian、ありがとうございました。さて、お分かりいただけますでしょうか?3枚目の画像にある、アルミ地のネームプレート「JBL STUDIO MONITOR」とだけ表記があります。珍しいですね。実はこれ、初期に使われていた4343用のグリルエンブレムです。その後一般的に使われるようになった黒地に白文字の「JBL MODEL 4343 STUDIO MONITOR」というものではないことに注目です。

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