ケンリックサウンドより新品製作 JBL Baron を購入された、香港のRay様よりお喜びの連絡を頂きました。ありがとうございます。Ray様は、音楽好きの娘さんにプレゼントするために、こちらのスピーカーをケンリックサウンドにて予約注文されました。
Dear Mr. Kenji Hosoi,
Sorry for the late reply … It took me a little longer than expected to set it up for my daughter. I was thinking to wait for the LINN turntable before taking the picture and do some review. Well, maybe later.
In 2015, my daughter and I went to Hong Kong Audio and Video Show (that was before we found you). We planned to find a pair of sound speak for the MHA100 on the show. Without luck, we didn’t find any. With luck, we found you from my brother after the show.
On Aug. 6, 2016, we went to Hong Kong Audio and Video Show again. There isn’t nothing like KenrickSound's JBL C38, not even close. You made the greatest speakers for us and for music lovers. Thank you so much. We love them and enjoy them so much.
Best Regards,