こちらの写真は現在作業中のJBL 4348に搭載する15インチウーファーのJBL 1500FEです。当社オリジナルのクロスエッジへ交換をし、ボイスコイルのセンタリング調整を行ったので、これから最終プロセスである音質チェックと、インピーダンスデータの測定を行います。
This is a JBL 1500FE 15inch woofer for the JBL 4348s we are making now.. We have changed the surrounds to our original cloth material and re-centered the voice coil position. It will go through the final process of sound quality and impedance tests.
This is a JBL ME-150H that we changed the surrounds to our Ultrasuede surrounds. It's voice coil has been re-centered during the surround replacement process.
これは現在作製中のネットワークたちです。JBL 4301カスタムとJBL 4311カスタム用のものです。
These are the crossovers that I am working on. They are for custom JBL 4311s and 4301s.
It is necessary to process the panel to attach the transformer type attenuators for the 4301s mentioned above.