
香港に新規オープンのジャズ・バーへ、ケンリックサウンド10周年記念モデルスピーカー設置予定 10th Anniversary KRS 4351 speakers will be installed in new Jazz Bar in Hong Kong

先日ご紹介したばかりの、アメリカはカリフォルニア・サンディエゴに新規オープンのDJバーに続いて、今回の「10th Anniversary KRS 4351」スピーカーもまた、今度は香港に新規オープンとなるジャズ・バーへと導入が決まりました。完成予想画像が、これまた良いですね~。サンディエゴのバーも工事が遅れている模様ですが、香港のバーも同様に遅れており、実際のオープンは年末から来年にかけてとのことです。


Another 10th Anniversary KRS 4351 speakers will be installed at the soon to open Jazz Bar in Hong Kong. Please check the also first pair of 10th Anniversary KRS 4351 speakerswhich will be installed in DJ Bar in San Diego, CA. U.S.A.


本日出荷のスピーカーたち、そして完成したKRS 4343 × 2ペア Speakers packed and ready to be shipped, 2 pairs of KRS 4343s finally complete!

Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. Here are somethings going on today.

These are speakers which have been packed, and will be shipped today. As you can see, they are packed sturdily so we can ship them with no risks of them getting damaged on the way.

こちらはやっと作業が全て完了したKRS 4343×2ペアです。以下、仕様です。
These are 2 pairs of KRS 4343 that we finally completed. Below are the specifications.

【KRS 4343】
・Mundorf EVO SilverGold Oil コンデンサー

[KRS 4343]
*Cabinet restoration
*New attenuators
*CMC style gold plated binding posts
*Ultrasuede surrounds
*Russian military spec rotary switches
*Mundorf EVO Silver GoldOil capacitors
*Finemet cut core inductors
*Teflon silver plated wires

The final sound check has been okayed by our president, so I will take the frequency characteristics and system impedance data.


真空管アンプの改造、梱包資材の準備、そして間もなく完成予定のKRS4343 Single ended tube amp customization, packaging material preparation, and KRS 4343 almost complete

Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. Here are somethings we are working on today.

This is a photo of the customization of a 845 + 300B single drive tube amp. If we are not careful, things could end up in a big accident, so we need to fully concentrate when we are doing this.

こちらはJBL 4344のサイズに合わせて加工中の梱包資材の一部です。完成したスピーカーを安全に送り届けるためには輸送中に起こりうるあらゆる事故を想定して、それに耐えられる厳重梱包が必要不可欠となります。
These are packing material being cut according to the JBL 4344s. In order to safely deliver these speakers, we must put into thought various accidents that may occur during the delivery process, which means strong and secure packaging is necessary.

上の写真は以前から紹介している2ペア目のKRS 4343の背面の様子です。ご覧の通りコイルや抵抗を取り付け終えて配線を行いましたので、残るは最終サウンドチェックです。
Above is a photo of the rear panel of the second pair or KRS 4343s that we are building. As you can see, the coils and resistors have been placed, so all we have left to do is the final sound check.

JBL D131&LE5-2 リコーン作業、そして現在レストア中JBL 4333B用ネットワーク開始 JBL D131 & LE5-2 re-coning, and crossovers for the JBL 4333B being restored

Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some work that we are doing today.

こちらの写真は現在作製中のJBL 4312Bに搭載予定のカスタムリコーンJBL D131です。当社開発のオリジナルコーン紙とクロスエッジを使用してコーン紙のアセンブリーを行います。芯出し作業を終えましたので、完成まであと少しです。
This is a photo of the re-coning process of the JBL D131s that we are installing into the JBL 4312Bs that are being made.  We are using our originally developed cone and cloth surrounds. The center alignment procedure of the voice coil and cone is over, so just a few more steps until it is complete.

こちらは同スピーカーに搭載予定のJBL LE5-2のリコーンに使用するコーンアセンブリーです。リコーンするにあたって最良な音を出すために当社独自のノウハウを各ステップに詰め込んで作業を進めています。ボイスコイルの取り付け位置やエッジの軟化調整などが主なポイントです。
These are the assembled cones for the JBL LE5-2s that are also going in to the speakers mentioned above. There are many expertise put in to the assembly procedure. The voice coil and cone attachment position, and softening of the surrounds are just to name a few.

上の写真は本日から作業を開始したJBL 4333B用のネットワークです。周波数特性を行ってから作業に入りたいと思います。
Above is a picture of JBL 4333 crossovers that I have started working on today. I will test the frequency characteristics and get to work.


KRS 4343 ネットワーク組み込み作業とダンパーチューニング現場の様子 KRS 4343 crossover installation and tuning of the spiders

Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some of our work today.

こちらの写真は以前紹介した2ペア目のKRS 4343のネットワーク組み込み作業です。背面端子やセレクタースイッチが取り付けてある背面パネル、そしてネットワークフィルター用のコンデンサーパネルをキャビネット内に取り付けて配線作業を進めている状況です。キャビネット内部の作業が終わり次第、背面にネットワークフィルター用のコイルと抵抗を取り付けます。
These are photos of the crossover installation process for the second pair of KRS 4343s that I posted in my previous blog. I have installed the rear panel which has the binding posts and rotary switch and the capacitors on the inside of the cabinet and started to wire them. Once I finish wiring them, I will place the coils and resistors on the exterior(rear) of the cabinet.

This is a photo of the spider tuning procedure. In order to get the spiders to have an ideal flexibility to get the best sound, we take them through a special process. It is a job that requires high craft skills and takes much time, but we take the time to complete them one by one.


完成したJBL 4312MK2、そしてKRS 4343 セカンドペアのネットワーク作業 JBL 4312MK2 complete, and the progress of the second pair of KRS 4343s

Hello this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some of our work today.

こちらは完成して周波数特性測定を終えたJBL 4312MK2 です。以下、施した作業内容です。
These are JBL 4312MK2s that have been completed and tested. Below are the work we did on them.

【JBL 4312MK2 レストア】
・JBL 2213H エッジ軟化処理
・JBL 104H-3 エッジ軟化処理

[ JBL 4312MK2 restoration ]
*Cabinet restoration (broken corner repari and assembly realignment)
*New attenuators
*JBL 2213H softening of the surrounds
*JBL 104H-3 softening of the surrounds

Now we will pack them securely and they will be shipped.

現在もう1ペアKRS 4343を製作中です。仕様は最近ブログで紹介しているKRS 4343と同じです。複雑で時間のかかる作業ですが、1ステップずつ確実に進めたいと思います。
These are photos of another pair of KRS 4343s that we are building at the moment. The crossovers will be of the same specifications. It is very complex and takes much time so I will proceed with each step carefully.

This is the rotary switch attachment and wiring procedure.

These are the LF and MF frequency filter capacitors that have been wired.


完成したJBL 4312MK2GY、KRS 4343ネットワーク組み込みの続き Completed JBL 4312MK2GY, KRS 4343 crossover installation (continued)

Hello this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some photos of our work today.

こちらは組み上げ作業が完了し、代表による最終音質チェックもパスし、周波数特性測定を行ったJBL 4312MK2GYです。
These are JBL 4312MK2GY that have bee completed. The final sound check by our president has been finished and the frequency characteristic data has been taken.

Below are the work we did on them.

【JBL 4312MK2 スペシャル】
・JBL D131  オリジナル開発コーン紙リコーン 半永久耐性クロスエッジ
・JBL LE5-2 リコーン
・KRS Be20 ベリリウム合金ツイーター

[ JBL  4312MK2 special]
*Cabinet restoration
*Transformer type attenuators
*CMC style gold plated binding posts
*JBL D131 original cone and new cloth surrounds
*JBL LE5-2 re-cone
*KRS Be20 beryllium alloy tweeter

こちらの写真はコイルと抵抗の取付位置をテストしているKRS 4343です。最終的に写っている位置に決まったので、これからパーツを取り付けます。
These are KRS 4343s that we are testing the positioning of the coils and resistors. It has been decided as they are shown in the photo.

Once the components are placed on the cabinet, I will start to wire them.


JBL 4312MK2GY仕上げ、その他ユニット単体修理の様子 JBL 4312MK2GY finishing touches, and speaker driver repair works

Hello this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some things we are working on today at Kenrick Sound.

これは現在作業中のJBL 4312MK2GYです。最終音質チェックがOKでしたので、内部ネットワークの配線を仕上げます。
These are the JBL 4312MK2GY that we have been working on lately. The final sound check was done, so I will finish up the crossover wiring.

こちらはJBL 2123Hの修理作業です。オリジナルで付いていたウレタンエッジを全て除去して、ウルトラスエードエッジに交換いたします。コーン紙根本を支えているダンパーの交換はエッジ交換時にしか作業が行えないので、今回はダンパーの交換も施します。
These are JBL 2123Hs being repaired. After all of the original urethane surrounds have been scraped off, we will replace them with Ultrasuede surrounds. The spiders which support the cone from the center of the cone and the voice coil, can only be replaced at the same timing as the surrounds, so we will be doing that also.

この写真はJBL 2231Hです。ウルトラスエードエッジ、ダンパー交換をするにあたって、分解されている状態です。コーン紙についている古いパーツの付着物を完全に除去し終えたら、新しいパーツを取り付けます。
These are JBL 2231Hs. It has been disassembled to have it's surrounds and spiders replaced. After all of the old material has been removed, the new parts will be attached.


FM Acoustics パワーアンプ専用 テルル銅無垢削り出しバナナターミナル完成(純銀メッキ・コレット機構)



当社オリジナル、4N純銀単線Φ3 スピーカーケーブル:2mペア・・・308,000円(税込)と組合わせると極めて高水準な出音を楽しめます。


当社オリジナル、4N純銀単線Φ3 スピーカーケーブル・・・2mペア・・・308,000円(税込)


JBL 4312MK2GY作業、KRS 4343 ネットワーク作業(続き) JBL 4312MK2GY and KRS 4343 crossovers (continued)

Hello this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some of our work today.

これは現在作業中のJBL 4312MK2GYです。代表によるコイルの良音質位置+方向性チェックが完了しましたので、背面にコイルを取り付けました。最終音質確認後、残っている作業を各担当が行ったら周波数特性を測定します。
These are JBL 4312MK2GYs that we are working on now. The final coil placement test by our president was done, so I placed the coils in it's ideal place. Once the final sound check is over, we will each do what is left to do, then I will test the frequency characteristics.

こちらは前回紹介したKRS 4343のネットワークインストール作業です。コンデンサーや背面端子板をキャビネット内部に取り付け終えました。
These are KRS 4343 crossovers being installed. I have placed the capacitors and the terminal board inside.

I will start wiring the capacitors and the attenuators.

Once I finish wiring everything that I can at this point, I will then prepare the coils to be tested. After the best position is decided, then I will finish the wiring process.
