This is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound. I will post some things that i am wokring on today.
前回のブログで紹介したJBL 4425用のネットワークは測定作業、キャビネットへのインストール、代表によるコイルの取り付け方向確認を終えました。
The JBL 4425 crossovers that I posted in my last blog has been tested and installed into the cabinet. The best position to place the filter coil has also been determined by our president.
This is it's finished state, and below are the work we did on them.
【JBL 4425 レストア】
・JBL 2214H クロスエッジ交換、ダンパー交換
・Mundorf EVO Silver GoldOil capcitors コンデンサー交換
[ JBL 4425 restoration ]
*Speaker cabinet refinishing, repainting of the horns
*JBL 2214H cloth surrounds, spider replacement
*New attenuators
*CMC type Gold terminals
*Change the LF filter coil to finemnet cut core coils
*Mundorf EVO SilverGold Oil capacitor replacement
*Teflon silver plated wires
こちらは回路が入念なテストを終え、回路が決定したKRS 4343用ネットワークです。
These are the crossovers for the KRS 4343s. After numerous tests, the schematics have been decided and I have placed the components into place. Now I will start to wire them.
I have done all the wiring there is to do for now, so I will do the frequency tests and make sure no mistakes have been made. Then, I will install them into the cabinet and do the remaining wiring there.