Hello this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound.
I will share some recent projects.
こちらの写真は完成間近のKRS 4351です。1ペア目の10周年記念版、2ペア目の10周年記念版に次いで、3ペア目の同一仕様品です。これから代表が実際に音を鳴らしながら各コイルや抵抗の取り付け方向を試して、最も音質が良いポジションと取り付け向きを判断します。かなり微細なチューニング作業ですが、良い音を出すためには必要不可欠な作業です。
This is the third pair of KRS 4351s that we will be completing soon. The specification is the same as the first pair and the second pair of 10th Anniversary version. After our president Hosoi checks the best position of the coils, they will be finished. It is a very procedure that requires precise listening skills, and it is necessary to achieve the sound we aim for.
こちらは金メッキ端子交換作業を行っているJBL 4344用ネットワークです。ネットワーク基板を取り外し、元々ついていた端子を取り外します。
These are 4344 crossovers that are getting its terminals changed. I will take apart the circuit boards and remove the old terminals.
I will process the rear panel so I can install the CMC type banana plug compatible gold terminals.
We are also taking pre-orders for speakers, so if there is a particular model you are interested in, give us an email from our website.