Hello, this is Kumaki from Kenrick Sound.
I will post some photos of our work today.
こちらは追加製作のKRS 4351に搭載する予定のJBL2230Aです。ウルトラスエードエッジを使用してリコーンを行いました。
This is one of four JBL 2230As that we will be installing in the KRS 4351. We have re-coned them using Urethan Suede surrounds.

これはJBL 4312MK2 スペシャルのネットワークをチューニングする細井です。いつもの様に音を確認しながら入念に各パーツの組み合わせを試します。
This is our president Hosoi tuning the crossovers for the JBL 4312 MK2 special. Like always, he is listening to the actual sound and testing different combinations of parts will provide the best sound.
The crossover components have been decided, so I will draw a crossover schematic and start working on them.

This is a photo of the components we will use.
中、高域フィルター用のコンデンサーはMundorf EVO SIlverGold Oil、そして低域だけでなく、高域にもファインメットカットコアのフィルターコイルを採用しました。
Mundorf EVO SilverGold Oil capacitors for the mid and high frequency filters. We will also use Finemet cut core filter coils for not only the low frequency but also the high frequency filter as well.
I will keep reporting on them, so please look forward to future posts.
This is one of four JBL 2230As that we will be installing in the KRS 4351. We have re-coned them using Urethan Suede surrounds.
これはJBL 4312MK2 スペシャルのネットワークをチューニングする細井です。いつもの様に音を確認しながら入念に各パーツの組み合わせを試します。
This is our president Hosoi tuning the crossovers for the JBL 4312 MK2 special. Like always, he is listening to the actual sound and testing different combinations of parts will provide the best sound.
The crossover components have been decided, so I will draw a crossover schematic and start working on them.
This is a photo of the components we will use.
中、高域フィルター用のコンデンサーはMundorf EVO SIlverGold Oil、そして低域だけでなく、高域にもファインメットカットコアのフィルターコイルを採用しました。
Mundorf EVO SilverGold Oil capacitors for the mid and high frequency filters. We will also use Finemet cut core filter coils for not only the low frequency but also the high frequency filter as well.
I will keep reporting on them, so please look forward to future posts.